Heir to Europa - Now on DriveThruCards!

People of Earth! I just released a new game called HEIR TO EUROPA. Get it here: http://www.drivethrucards.com/product/148042/Heir-to-Europa

It's an exciting new card game with set in a new universe of psychic intrigue and shadowy manipulation. Designer +Nick Ferris combines traditional trick-taking games with some innovative new tactics and subtle strategies. It features eye-catching new art by Marisha Lozada, which you can see above.

Check out more product shots below:

This is my first game from a designer other than myself! It's exciting new ground for me and my publishing model, so I hope you dig it. We're all very proud of how it all turned out. I hope you enjoy it! Once more, you can get your copy here: http://www.drivethrucards.com/product/148042/Heir-to-Europa


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